9 Steps for Extracurricular Activities to Help Your Child Find New Hobbies


This article has been updated and was originally published 6/16/2021.

It’s a common misconception that students in virtual schools don’t have access to extracurricular activities and social opportunities. 在现实中, students often have time and opportunity for more activities outside of school than those taking in-person classes, and their flexible schedule can make it easier to try new hobbies.

Exploring your child’s interests and passions is critical during their school years as it allows them to discover what activities they enjoy. 这可以帮助指导 未来的学业和职业决定 沿着这条线.

One way to nurture your child’s interests is to support them in finding a hobby. 兴趣爱好可以通过帮助孩子而使他们受益:

There are almost limitless hobbies for kids that you can explore, and they can be found both in your online school and outside of school. 作为学习教练, 你如何帮助孩子发现兴趣爱好, 参加新的课外活动的最好方法是什么? 这里有9个建议可以帮助你找到他们:


1. 列出学生的兴趣

Sit down with your student to discuss their current interests and make a list. This will give you something to reference when looking for children’s hobbies to explore further. 


  • 艺术 & 工艺品
  • 音乐
  • 体育
  • 园艺 & 园艺
  • 爱护动物
  • There are many activities your child can explore within each interest category.

2. 定期向学生介绍新事物. 

Simply trying new things is the best way for your child to get life experience and discover new interests. 去 实地参观当地的博物馆, 介绍各种晦涩难懂的书籍, 在家里或当地尝试一些有趣的活动. 

Make a habit of looking for new activities together once a month or so. This is a good way to spend quality time while discovering new interests. 你也可能会发现自己有一个新的爱好!

3. 在投入之前测试一下自己的爱好.

Even if you find a hobby that seems like a perfect fit, start slowly.  Exploring different interests doesn’t require purchasing expensive gear for every sport or sophisticated art project. Let them try it for a couple of weeks before making a big commitment, financially or otherwise. Clubs or other school activities are great places for kids to dabble in new hobbies.

A group of young female ballet students practicing at the barre. One is wearing pink and the rest are wearing a black leotard.

4. 给孩子探索的自由. 

Providing freedom means giving your child adequate space for the hobby and allowing them to dedicate time to it regularly. Finding a hobby takes time, and not all activities will come naturally. Remember, your child doesn’t need to be perfect at their hobby to enjoy it. 

5. 知道什么时候让你的孩子继续前进.

Some hobbies last into adulthood, while others won’t last long at all—even if your child enjoys them. Younger children often grow out of their interests and move on to something else.

Encourage your child to keep their commitment but allow them to move on when they’re ready. 例如, if they’re signed up for a team sport that they would like to stop, 讨论他们为什么要辞职. 偶尔, 这不是活动本身的问题,而是像过度安排这样的事情, 欺凌, or not feeling good enough that prevents them from wanting to continue. 看看有没有办法先结束这个赛季. 如果他们觉得自己不能撑过这个赛季, consider a compromise where they give the team an adequate heads up that they’ll be stopping.

While you shouldn’t force your child to continue an activity they no longer want to participate in, it’s important to demonstrate the importance of a commitment. When they’re ready to move on, work together to find a new extracurricular they can enjoy.

6. 跟随他们的脚步.

While your first instinct might be to introduce your child to something that you love to do, 这可能不是他们喜欢的东西. 记住,你的孩子是他们自己的人. If they tell you that what you are doing is boring or makes them unhappy, take that opportunity to ask them questions and find out what they want to try next. 这可能是人生激情的第一步 富有成效的职业

7. 来看看我们的终极职业和大学专业测试吧.

Providing freedom means giving your child adequate space for the hobby and allowing them to dedicate time to it regularly. Finding a hobby takes time, and not all activities will come naturally. Remember, your child doesn’t need to be perfect at their hobby to enjoy it. 

A pair of students turn 园艺 extracurrular activities into a hobby.


Once you’ve helped your child identify their strengths, it’s time to explore the different 俱乐部及活动 在他们的虚拟学校. 超越核心课程的阅读, 写作, 和算术, online schools like 推荐正规买球平台 offer a wide range of elective classes. 

俱乐部很容易加入 帮助学生社交, while providing the freedom to explore a new hobby without making a huge commitment. Just a few of the clubs available at 推荐正规买球平台 include: 

  • 艺术俱乐部 
  • 工艺美术社 
  • 国际象棋俱乐部 
  • 游戏及科技社 
  • 科学侦探 

What is available for your child may vary depending upon your specific school. But no matter which 推荐正规买球平台-supported school your student is enrolled in, there are plenty of opportunities for them to socialize with other students and find new kids’ hobbies. 

报名参加我们的 会话信息 today to find out what is available for your child and to see if the flexibility of online school is right for your family.

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  


