When you first heard the term “Learning Coach,你可能以为它是“老师”的同义词,” just like many first-time at-home school parents. At first glance, 这些头衔看起来很相似,因为它们都涉及到学生一定程度的领导能力. 但是,当涉及到虚拟学校时,学习教练和教师的角色. teacher are very distinct.
So, as the parent of a virtual school student, which role should you be playing?
Teachers and Learning Coaches are accountable for several duties throughout a child’s education that they each handle differently; however, 双方合作增强学生的在线学习体验.
If you’re considering online school for your child, 我们在这里帮助您确定如何履行您的学习教练角色,并找到合适的家长参与您孩子的学校教育的水平. 看看下面老师和学习教练之间的不同之处,了解更多推荐正规买球平台你的具体职责以及每个角色相互补充的方式!